In November 2019 we introduced our very first collection "FRIDA".
"Frida collection" was inspired by the paintings and life of Frida Kahlo. Our Frida is a lover of long embroidered skirts and monkeys. She spends her time painting "self-portrait with peasant braids and flowers in hair", is attracted to heavyweight artists and is permanently tweezerless.
All the illustrations are Polona Pačnik's original work. Like all Polonapolona products, this collection is 100% heavy-duty porcelain. Fridas love to be washed in dishwasher and heated in microwave. If you are not clumsy they should last you a lifetime.
Let us get you acquainted with all our Fridas:
Frida, 35cl handmade porcelain big coffee cup is perfect for Latte Macchiato or tea.

Frida, 37cl handmade porcelain bowl is best with porridge and heaps of chocolate. You can also add some strawberries for decoration. But that's optional.

Frida, 18cl cappuccino cup with saucer. Comes handy if you want to impress your mother in law with cappuccino making skills.

The Two Fridas, 08 cl espresso set with 2 cups and saucers is perfect when your BFF comes by for a good old gossip visit.

Frida, 19cm handmade porcelain dessert plate. Because sharing a piece of cake is not an option and Frida definitely won't want a slice.

Frida, 31cm handmade porcelain serving plate. Homemade afternoon tea desserts will look splendid on it.